will be hosting an online marketing podcast from today on. Topics of the podcast will closely match to what I do business wise, e.g. onlinemarketing, affiliate marketing, seo, performance marketing, start-ups especially the fast growing one’s in the internet space. Focus of the podcast are interviews with interesting people working in this space.
As I am based in Germany most of the interviews I do are actually in German and will be hosted on the German version of this podcast. Some of the interviews I do are in english and only those will be featured here. So it may as well be, that the english podcast is not updated very frequently so I would suggest to subscribe to it via iTunes, Twitter, Facebook or Youtube so you do not miss out on new episodes.
With this episode Zero theres a slightly ironic self interview included. Have fun and let me know how you like the podcast?
The transcript of this episode can be seen on the detail-page of this. If you rather would like to view the podcast you can do this on Youtube.
Interviewer: So, welcome to episode zero of OM Report. OM Report is another online marketing podcast brought to you by Andre Alpar and this is the episode number zero, so, the episode before the real episodes. And I’ll try to do it in a similar way, as I’m doing the real episodes, which means I’m doing an interview, and in this case because the episode zero is kind of there to explain a little bit the background of the podcast, I’ll interview myself. So, Andre, who the hell are you and why do you think you should bring out another online marketing podcast?
Alpar: So, I’m an online marketeer from Germany and, most of the interviews that I do are in German for the German crowd and, the podcast has another German website. And sometimes I still meet people that are not from Germany and still have a great story to tell and I want to ask some interesting questions. So, those people, are interviewed in English and I thought, once the interview is done in English I should also make it available to the English speaking crowd out there, so, I publish this on, and also the transcription on is in English, and for the German listeners, I have a German translation of the whole thing on omreport.deInterviewer: So, do you think you can really keep this up regularly?
Alpar: Well, for the English podcast I’m not so positive right now, because, as I said, most of the interviews I’ve done so far, like a dozen, they are in German, so you’ll be seeing these things from time to time. So, I would ask you kindly to, you know, check out the Twitter feed or check it out on YouTube or iTunes, and then you’ll see whenever I have another English edition of the OM Report for you.
Interviewer: So, how do you choose your interview partners, I mean, how do you contact them?
Alpar: Mostly I do the interviews on conferences or networking events where I’m visiting as a speaker or a participant. So, usually I just, you know, pick up whoever I can find and who seems to be an interesting person to talk to. And this is how I basically figure it out. I don’t really prepare for the interviews so they’re, most of the questions are completely spontaneous. So, sometimes the, the interviews are, don’t have like a perfect red string all the way through, but instead, they are kind of spontaneous and jumpy regarding the topics that they run.
Interviewer: So, how do I get the podcasts?
Alpar: The number one way would be, you know, visit the website,, and then again, we have a Twitter feed, that’s /OM Report, on Facebook you also find it as OM Report, on iTunes the same and we also have it as, just basically a still picture of the interview partner and the interview as the, the audio track on YouTube. And I look forward to you guys checking out the English version of the OM Report. Thanks a lot.